useHotkeys ​
Hook that listens for hotkeys
import { useHotkeys } from '@siberiacancode/reactuse';
Usage ​
useHotkeys('control+a', () => console.log('hotkey pressed'));
// or
useHotkeys('ControlLeft+KeyA', () => console.log('hotkey pressed'));
Demo ​
Api ​
Name | Type | Default | Note |
hotkeys | UseHotkeysHotkeys | - | The key or keys to listen for |
callback | (event: KeyboardEvent) => void | - | The callback function to be called when the hotkey is pressed | | UseEventListenerTarget | window | The target to attach the event listeners to |
options.enabled? | boolean | true | The enable or disable the event listeners |
options.preventDefault? | boolean | true | Whether to prevent the default behavior of the event |
options.aliasMap? | Record<string, string> | - | Alias map for hotkeys |