useWebSocket ​
Hook that connects to a WebSocket server and handles incoming and outgoing messages
import { useWebSocket } from '@siberiacancode/reactuse';
Usage ​
const { status, close, send, open, client } = useWebSocket('url');
Demo ​
Api ​
Name | Type | Default | Note |
url | UseWebSocketUrl | - | The URL of the WebSocket server |
options.onConnected? | (webSocket: WebSocket) => void | - | The callback function that is called when the WebSocket connection is established |
options.onDisconnected? | (event: CloseEvent, webSocket: WebSocket) => void | - | The callback function that is called when the WebSocket connection is closed |
options.onError? | (event: Event, webSocket: WebSocket) => void | - | The callback function that is called when an error occurs |
options.onMessage? | (event: MessageEvent, webSocket: WebSocket) => void | - | The callback function that is called when a message is received |
options.retry? | boolean | number | - | The number of times to retry the connection |
options.protocols? | Array<'soap' | 'wasm'> | - | The list of protocols to use |